What are the choices at the end of ME3?

03/20/2019 Off By admin

What are the choices at the end of ME3?

ME3 Ending Choices: Destroy, Control, or Synthesis – which is the best?

  • Destroy (Red): Destroy allows Shepard to make the choice to eradicate all synthetic life.
  • Control (Blue): The Control Ending sees Shepard sacrifice themselves in order to take control of the Reaper fleet.

Which ending should I choose in Mass Effect 3?

The players will have to choose the Mass Effect 3 perfect ending by going for the option in which Commander Shepard lives at the end of the game. All the players need to do is collect a total of 7800 Military Strength or higher and choose the Destroy ending.

What is the ending to Mass Effect 3?

The ending to ME3 sees Shepard facing off against the Catalyst, the ancient AI who controls the Reapers. The Catalyst explains that the Reapers function as an equalizing factor to prevent organics from being destroyed by their creations.

How many choices are at the end of Mass Effect 3?

five possible endings
There are five possible endings to Mass Effect 3. If Shepard amassed enough Military Strength, they can choose the fate of the entire galaxy. There are five possible outcomes at the end of Shepard’s saga in Mass Effect 3, and the different options are only available if certain conditions are met.

What is the canon ending of ME3?

At the end of Mass Effect 3, Shepard is given the option to choose between three endings—Control, Synthesis, and Destroy. Control involves Shepard transcending to become an AI and taking over the Reapers. Synthesis sees all organic and synthetic life merge.

Which Shepard is canon?

“Yup, Commander Shepard was originally a woman,” said Cooper. That settles it once and for all: FemShep is the one true Commander Shepard. This is definitely canon, right, BioWare? Check out our coverage of BioWare’s most recent N7 Day roundtable for more on the next Mass Effect game.