How do you retain gym members?

03/20/2019 Off By admin

How do you retain gym members?

Here are a few tips:

  1. Hold community events and hangouts.
  2. Encourage people to come early to a session have time to let them stay later.
  3. Introduce new members to the “veterans” of your gym or school and other members.
  4. Make sure your staff is engaging in the lives of all members both the newer folks and the old-timers.

How can I maintain my gym retention?

7 member retention strategies you need to implement today

  1. Structure your sessions and classes so that your members are likely to be with the same group every time they attend.
  2. Provide your members with regular assessments.
  3. Get involved with regular training sessions.
  4. Keep a close eye on attendance.

What does retention mean in fitness?

Gym member retention is more or less the number of members a gym can keep over a certain period, such as a month, six months, or a year. One of the key metrics gym owners need to keep on top of is member retention.

What is a good retention rate for a gym?

The Association of Fitness Studios says that the retention rate among fitness studios sits at 75.9% and this number has been consistent since 2016. Meanwhile, the retention rate of more traditional health clubs has sat at around 71.4%.

How long does the average person keep a gym membership?

According to IHRSA, the average length of membership is 4.9 years, with 51% being a member at their club for two to five years. Members aged 65 years and above -plus age group averaged 7.3 years membership, while the 18-24 age group averaged just 2.7 years. Fitness isn’t just for the young at heart.

Why is member retention important in gyms?

Secondly, improving your membership retention rate can also improve your rate of growth. With a more consistent consumer base, meaningful relationships between these regular members (and even between staff and members) are more likely to develop. This sense of belonging can drastically improve the member experience.

How do I keep my gym members happy?

3 Ways to Keep Your Gym Members Happy (And Coming Back)

  1. Appreciate Your Members. Getting up and going to the gym can be hard for many people, especially if they don’t find themselves to be motivated.
  2. Use a Management System for Gyms. The use of management system for gyms is extremely crucial.
  3. Celebrate Client Success.

How do you retain members?

1. Remind Your Members of the Benefits

  1. Remind Your Members of the Benefits.
  2. Remind Your Members of the Benefits.
  3. Catch Lack of Engagement Early.
  4. Catch Lack of Engagement Early.
  5. Open Two-Way Communication.
  6. Open Two-Way Communication.
  7. Use Your Membership Committee.
  8. Use Your Membership Committee.

Why is customer retention important for a gym?

Why do most gyms fail?

“Other than being under-capitalized, the biggest reason we see for health club failure is lack of business know-how and lack of proper implementation of sales and marketing strategies,” points out Thomas. “Another common misconception that many new gym owners have is that the gym will sell itself.”

Is owning a gym lucrative?

In the world of gym ownership, there are three surefire ways to boost profit: Increase membership revenues – If membership at your gym is $1,000 per year, you only need 100 members to turn over $100,000 in annual revenue. But adding just one new member every week puts annual revenues at $152,000.

What is the importance of member retention?

The importance of member retention cannot be underestimated. It’s what keeps your doors open and revenue coming in month after month. Even a small 5% increase in membership retention can result in between a 25% and 95% increase in profits.

Do you have a retention strategy for your gym?

The first problem that most gym owners have is that they don’t have a systemized member retention strategy. The strategy to make your customers stay is no longer a should-have, it’s now a must-have.

How long does it take to retain a gym membership?

Member retention increases the lifetime value of your gym or fitness center and brings more money in your pocket. If you can retain your clients from 6 months to 9, you can easily double or triple your income.

How to reduce attrition rates in health clubs?

The key to health clubs reducing attrition rates is to make a connection with the members, so there is a reason to stay when their initial-term contract is done, even if the initial term is a month. According to, loyalty programs have been shown to establish a base customer retention rate of around 92 percent.

Can a health club have a loyalty program?

Even with the success of loyalty programs, many health clubs haven’t established one for a variety of reasons, and it can be hurting the gym’s retention rates.