What is CMI risk assessment?

05/03/2020 Off By admin

What is CMI risk assessment?

The Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) is a fully functioning case management tool and an assessment that measures the risk and need factors of late adolescent and adult offenders.

What does LS CMI stand for?

Service/Case Management Inventory
The Level. of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) is. an actuarial risk assessment system which is designed. to identify an offender’s risk, needs, and responsivity. factors in order to inform treatment and supervision.

What is the level of service case management inventory?

The Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) is an assessment that measures the risk and need factors of late adolescent and adult offenders. The LS/CMI is also a fully functioning case management tool.

What is LSIR?

LSI-R stands for “Level of Service Inventory – Revised.” It is an interview based assessment that attempts to predict the risk of recidivism and the appropriate classification level for sentenced inmates based on a number of criteria.

What is the LS CMI used for?

How do you score an LS in CMI?

LS/CMI total risk scores are calculated by adding the scores on each of eight domains which represent the individual risk factors. Sometimes referred to as the “Central 8,” each subdomain captures a criminogenic factor which has been shown to influence the likelihood of recidivism.

Who can administer the LSI-R?

Instrument Administration Requirements The LSI–R assessment can be easily used by counselors, physicians, psychologists, and correctional professionals, including probation officers, youth workers, social workers, and other trained professionals and paraprofessionals.

What is a static 99 test?

The STATIC-99 (Static 99) is a risk assessment tool designed to assist in the prediction of sexual and violent recidivism among adult male sex offenders. In California, The STATIC-99 is a two page report prepared by the Probation Department prior to the sentencing of a defendant on a registerable sex crime. …

What is the responsivity principle?

Responsivity principle: Maximize the offender’s ability to learn from a rehabilitative intervention by providing cognitive behavioural treatment and tailoring the intervention to the learning style, motivation, abilities and strengths of the offender.

What is LSIR for parole?

A review of the LSI-R reveals that it is essentially a two page true/false check and 0-3 rating checklist that purportedly determines risk based upon a factors such as, criminal history, education, financial, substance abuse, and “attitudes” and then grades out a score risk level.

Who can administer the Static-99?

While licensed mental health professionals typically administer the Static-99R as part of an assessment, parole agents and probation officers are also commonly trained in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the instrument.

How accurate is the Static-99?

In short, the Static-99R predicted sexual recidivism with statistically significant accuracy for subjects with a fixed 5-year follow-up with a large effect size (AUC = 0.79, CI 95% = 0.70–0.87) in the study cohort (n = 100), where every unit of increase in the Static-99R total score correspondingly increased the odds …

What do you need to know about LS / CMI?

The LS/CMI Progress Record Form assists in the documentation of the offender’s progress. The LS/CMI Interview Guide consists of questions necessary to obtain scores for the LS/CMI. The LS/CMI Case Management Protocol Form consists of three sections: the Case Management Plan, the Progress Record, and the Discharge Summary.

What is the LS / CMI case management protocol?

The LS/CMI Case Management Protocol Form consists of three sections: the Case Management Plan, the Progress Record, and the Discharge Summary. The form is essential to the development of the case management.

Who is the master trainer for the LS / CMI?

The LS/CMI is a thoroughly researched and evidence-based tool found to accurately and reliably predict recidivism risk in late adolescents and adults and aids professionals in carrying out effective treatment planning and case management. Tom O’Connor is an LS/CMI Master Trainer.

How is the LS / CMI quikscore ™ form completed?

The LS/CMI QuikScore ™ form is professionally-completed and consists of eight sections. The LS/CMI Program Targets and Intervention Plan Form assists with the documentation of targeted risk areas and the corresponding treatment/intervention.