What is an Sen profile?

03/20/2019 Off By admin

What is an Sen profile?

WHAT IS A SEN SUPPORT PROFILE? The SEN Support Profile (SSP) is the collection of worksheets and “All About Me” information which is used to create a One Page Profile. We have a range of worksheets which cover social, emotional and sensory issues.

What is a sen one page profile?

One-page profiles in Education A one-page profile captures all the important information about a young person on a single sheet of paper under three simple headings: what people appreciate about me, what’s important to me and how best to support me.

What are examples of Sen?

Some examples of SEN are:

  • emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD);
  • Autism, including Asperger Syndrome;
  • Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADHD/ADD);
  • specific learning difficulties such as Dyslexia;
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder;
  • communication difficulties;

What should be in an SEN folder?

Reports from SALT, EP, CID’s, Paediatrician, advisory teachers etc.

  • Reading Recovery start and end assessments.
  • Observation/cause for concern sheets.
  • meeting notes- between staff/parents/outside agencies.
  • copy of statement/reviews.
  • Notes from teachers or TA’s- behaviour/concerns etc.
  • How is a one page profile used?

    A one-page profile is a simple summary of what is important to a child or young person and how they want to be supported. It can help them get more person-centred care and support to achieve their goals. A one-page profile captures all the important information about a person on a single sheet of paper.

    Why is a one page profile important?

    A one-page profile can help social care professionals provide better person-centred care and support. It is a simple summary of what is important to someone and how they want to be supported. On your profile you can record how you’d like people to help you, if and when you need care and support.

    What makes a good one page profile?

    A one page profile is a summary of what we like and admire about our children, what matters to them and how best to support them. The idea of a One Page Profile is that any person can pick it up and quickly have an overview of what matters to the child, how to support them and also their strengths and personality.

    Who should be on SEN register?

    Any pupil with a medical diagnosis who requires special educational provision or has been assessed in other SEN categories should be recorded on the school’s Medical Register and also on the SEN Register.

    How do you support SEN pupils in the classroom?

    Be consistent when applying rules; and remind and rehearse them regularly. Reinforce oral instructions and communication with visual and tactile support. Use visual prompts where necessary, such as a visual timetable. Consider how the child will access the curriculum.

    How long do you have to keep sen records?

    Send statements, plus proposed or amended statements, must be retained for 30 years (from birth) and only disposed of if legal action is not pending. So, what does this mean for special educational needs and disabilities coordinators (Sendcos)? First, we must maintain useful dated records and documents.

    How do you write a good one page profile?

    Add things about your whole life that are important to you (your hobbies, interests, passions), as well as things that relate to what’s important at work. Add detail that will help give people an idea of who you are and what you value most ensuring a good match can be made.