How does B Lynch suture work?

02/05/2021 Off By admin

How does B Lynch suture work?

B-Lynch is a uterine compression suture, which apposes the anterior and posterior wall through a pair of vertical brace sutures which are put around the uterus. It works by direct application of pressure on the bleeding placental bed and by reducing the blood supply to uterus.

What is the management of uterine Atony?

Uterine atony is responsible for most cases and can be managed with uterine massage in conjunction with oxytocin, prostaglandins, and ergot alkaloids. Retained placenta is a less common cause and requires examination of the placenta, exploration of the uterine cavity, and manual removal of retained tissue.

What is the pathophysiology of uterine Atony?

Uterine atony is a failure of the uterine myometrial fibers to contract and retract. This is the most important cause of PPH and usually occurs immediately following delivery of the baby, up to 4 hours after the delivery.

What is the most common cause of uterine Atony?

Uterine atony
Usual onset third stage of labor
Causes trauma, complicated labor, medications, uterine distention, caesarean section
Risk factors Obesity, uterine distention, placental disorders, multiple gestation, prior PPH, coagulopathies
Diagnostic method Physical exam and observed blood loss

What is B-Lynch brace suture?

The B-Lynch suture or B-Lynch procedure is a form of compression suture used in obstetrics. It is used to mechanically compress an atonic uterus in the face of severe postpartum hemorrhage.

What is the management of PPH?

Management of post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) involves the treatment of uterine atony, evacuation of retained placenta or placental fragments, surgery due to uterine or birth canal trauma, balloon tamponade, effective volume replacement and transfusion therapy, and occasionally, selective arterial embolization.

Is uterine atony serious?

Atony of the uterus, also called uterine atony, is a serious condition that can occur after childbirth. It occurs when the uterus fails to contract after the delivery of the baby, and it can lead to a potentially life-threatening condition known as postpartum hemorrhage.

How can I stop uterine atony?

Uterine massage right after delivery of the placenta may also reduce the risk of atony of the uterus and is now a common practice. Taking prenatal vitamins, including iron supplements, can also help prevent anemia and other complications of uterine atony and hemorrhage after delivery.

What is an O’Leary stitch?

Bilateral ligation of the uterine vessels (O’Leary stitch) is the preferred approach for controlling PPH from laceration of the uterine artery or branches of the utero-ovarian artery. If this does not control bleeding, the vessels of the utero-ovarian arcade are similarly ligated.