What is Whoisactive?

02/15/2021 Off By admin

What is Whoisactive?

Summary. The sp_whoisactive tool is a diagnostic tool created by Adam Machanic , which correlates information from several different SQL Dynamic Management Views (DMVs). It is thus able to present a richer and more detailed set of information than older tools such as sp_who and sp_who2 .

Who is active SQL Adam Machanic?

Adam Machanic is a Boston-based SQL Server developer, writer, and speaker. He focuses on large-scale data warehouse performance and development, and is author of the award-winning SQL Server monitoring stored procedure, sp_WhoIsActive.

Who is active SP?

sp_whoisactive is a comprehensive activity monitoring stored procedure that works for all versions of SQL Server from 2005 through 2017. You can find the most recent versions on the Downloads page. Documentation is available on the Documentation page.

What is the difference between Sp_who and sp_who2?

sp_who supports the limited columns information about currently running processes in the SQL Server while sp_who2 supports some extra columns’ information about currently running processes in the SQL Server. sp_who2 is more widely used for better information on the running process.

How do I know if SQL Server is running SP?

You can see anything running in SQL Server using sys. dm_exec_requests dmv. It captures everything not only stored procedures. If you look at the details of the dmv you can see the details it captures.

What is the use of Sp_who?

The sp_who is an undocumented system Stored Procedure that is used to get the information of the current state of the SQL instance. The sp_who system Stored Procedure also allows fast monitoring of active and inactive processes.

Who is active documentation?

1. Active Documentation: Active documentation is an activity done inside the archives or library. This kind of in-house activity help to know/ understand what kind collections are acquisitions are there in the library. This type of work is called Active Documentation or documentation work.

Who is active command in SQL?

Sp_WhoIsActive is a useful custom stored procedure and gives important insights from the user sessions in SQL Server with information such as lead blocker, execution plan, wait stats, query text.

What does awaiting command mean in SP who2?

A session with that status of sleeping / awaiting command is simply a client connection with no active query to the SQL Server. When run from the client with a 30 second query timeout the transaction will remain open because the client indicated it wanted to ‘cancel execution’ and do no further processing.

What is BlkBy in SP who2?

The result set of sp_who2 will contains a column named BlkBy, this represents the SPID that is currently stopping the SPID in the row. Sometimes many rows will show SPID numbers in the BlkBy column. This is because there is a chain of blockers.

How can I see processes in SQL?

You can view this by Right Clicking on Instance Name in SQL Server Management Studio and selecting “Activity Monitor”. Activity monitor tells you what the current and recent activities are in your SQL Server Instance.

What is a sleeping awaiting command session?

A session with that status of sleeping / awaiting command is simply a client connection with no active query to the SQL Server. If the client has an open transaction and the client did not submit a commit or rollback command the state is sleeping / awaiting command.